About Me

Photograph of Donna Lynne. Afro puffs, big silver hoops and a smile!

I'm an American artist, based in the Philadelphia area. My creations have taken me across the USA and the UK. I've also been wonderfully blessed to have reached clients in Dubai, Greece and France. I'm excited to share my work with you! 

I love to paint and am inspired by my waking dreams and well as my imagination. I also create from pieces of my past; what I imagine my ancestors past may have been, and my planned and wished for future.

Tribal and indigenous peoples, dance, goddesses and even animated characters I've loved throughout the years also inspire me.

I aspire to allow my Guides, the Moon and the Universe as a whole to work through me. As I evolve, working with both shadow and light, becoming more and more of my true self. I'd love for you to join me on my journey of beauty, magick, and discovery! Sign up for my monthly newsletter. You can also follow my Instagram page: instagram.com/donnalynneart/

Love, light and faerie dust -

Donna Lynne